What made you want to study renewable energy?

The renewable energy sector has an enormous role to play in the coming years to ensure our country meets its climate targets. I’m excited by the opportunities and the prospect of working in an industry that’s contributing to the mitigation of the biggest problem facing our generation – climate change.

How did the financial support from Renantis help your studies?

It is a tricky time to give up full time work to return to studies. With the extra funds I was able buy books, stationary and contribute to the purchase of laptop to use essential software for my course.

What are your career plans for the future?

I am really enjoying studying net zero societies and our nation’s transition to renewable energy generation. I am particularly interested in the built environment and how as a society we can make responsible choices with our use of energy and building design to reduce the demand our built environment has on the grid. A career in renewable energies, energy storage or the built environment would be enjoyable and fulfilling.